Sunday, September 5, 2010

Welcome to the Orchard of Style

How many times have you been told, "Don't put off until tomorrow what you could do today.", to find that if you would have applied this simple prescription to cure procrastination, that you may have had the time to do the things you actually wanted to do. I created this blog in the summer of 2010. I wrote this post during the the first of the three big snow storms of 2011 (There was only one good thing about working in Secaucus-SNOW DAYS! And when I wake up in the morning feeling mildly depressed about the thought of sitting in front of the computer looking for a job and I hear the rain beating down on my air conditioner or turn on the news to hear that New Jersey Transit is delayed, I smile and thank god that I don't have to commute to Secaucus that day. I will leave the tales, trials, and tribulations of a seasoned commuter for a posting on another day. After commuting through Penn Station, against traffic, for more than two years, I became quite the professional.) As you can see from my first post, I did not take my own advice but I liked the image that I had intended to use. If you love fonts and colors then you will love Follow the instructions, insert your name or phrase or any word you want, and see what the "Wizard of Wordle" comes up with.