Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

The design for this patriotic bauble was insired by a 1940's candy-striped
plastic bracelet  that James de Givenchy purchased online for his daughter.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

When the World Gives You Lemons, Take a Staycation

Image of NYC cityscape taken from the Williamsburg waterfront.
Located between N 6th & N 7th Streets just off East River State Park.
If you are "retired", "semi-retired", or recently came out of "retirement", there is a chance that your original summer vacation plans may have changed. Don't waste your time feeling sorry for yourself or creating some excuse about having to keep on top of your job search. Whoever you are sending that job application to checked themselves out on Thursday evening or Friday at noon. And let me tell you something, if they respond to an email, it's not going to be yours. It's out of sight, out of mind until Tuesday (or the week of July 10 if they are taking this week off.) The Pink Lady listened to her own advice and decided to take a staycation. (For those of you who are not familiar with the term "staycation" it is defined as a vacation spent in your city.) I am spending my weekend doing my favorite thing; exploring the Orchard of Style.

Freshly Picked-Williamsburg, Dinner & a Movie

Located between N 6th & N 7th Streets just off East River State Park,
 Smorgasburg, is a two-minute walk from the Bedford (L) station
I asked fellow staycationer and friend W to accompany me on my journey. We hopped on the 6 (no 4 or 5 service this weekend), transfered to the L at Union Square, and arrived in Williamsburg in under 30 minutes. First stop, Smorgasburg. Smorgasburg, is a food-lover’s bazaar. Filled with 100+ food vendors, Smorgasburg’s intention is to spread the sea of change in food consciousness by making fresh, innovative, and affordable eats available to a broad and diverse audience, and that it does.

Images from Smorgasburg.
Lunch at El Almacen

Tilapia w/sweet potatoes and pine nuts,
brussels sprouts, mixed green salad, and avocado fries.
Post-Lunch Williamsburg Walkabout

One of my favorite home decor stores.
The Future Perfect's business card is tabloid size.
The presentation is as unique as the pieces they carry.

Radish, a prepared food store that offers a seasonal menu,
showcases what's "In Season Now" on a chalkboard.

Page One & Peels
We were back in Manhattan by 6:30 and headed over to the Angelika to see Page One, Inside the New York Times (See tomorrow's post for a review of this not-to-be-missed film.) followed by dinner at Peels.

Red Quinoa Salad, 3-In-1 Cream Pie,
Warm Parker House Rolls, Cheeseburger 

If you haven't eaten at Peels then you should move it to the top of your list. Located at 325 Bowery (Corner of 2nd St.), Peels is owned by Taavo Somer and Will Tigertt of the popular Freemans crew. The food was fantastic, the atmosphere was chillergenic (relaxed but bustling), and the service was just as good. Peels is renown for its Build-a-Biscuit and outstanding bakery. Perhaps I will return for breakfast before Tuesday.